how to get the best mortgage rate %

Watch our video on how rates are calculated

We will show you in our video how mortgage rates are set by wholesale investors. How your final retail rate is calculated after adding the pricing adjustments and company compensation

Mortgage rates are created by the secondary market and passed on to you through loan originators after they add their company compensation.

You will see how are mortgage rates determined. More importantly, how to get the lowest rate available?

Apply for the best rate

Apply for a mortgage to get the best rate available. Do this after watching our Rate Truth video. We can then apply any control your price incentives and possibly offer a borrower-paid loan. Giving you the best rate and sending you a fee breakdown on your mortgage.

Get your live best rate

This mortgage calculator will give you our industry lending, lender-paid base rate. It will not offer a borrower paid rate or any control your price incentives, that we can offer. The rates will be based on our very low 1% compensation. Watch the Rate Truth video first, so you know what that means!

Watch the rate video

What is the truth about rates

We’re taking the curtain back on how your final rate is calculated. Yes, every wholesale mortgage investor has a mortgage calculator that tells you what the rates will be. Most of the components in a rate, Loan-Level Price Adjustment being calculated are the same and they come from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But the largest adjustment comes from the originator and is the only one that can be controlled to change your pricing or RATE!

The truth about rates video

Having us give you a breakdown of what the best rate we can do for you is FREE and no follow-up hassles! We won’t contact you unless you ask us to.

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